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The Wilmington Choral Society (WCS) consists of individuals who are dedicated to the performance of the best of choral music. Our repertoire ranges from the great classical masterpieces to contemporary secular music.


If you are interested in joining the WCS, we would love to hear from you! For new applicants, we ask that you have a background of choral music performance, a commitment to attend all weekly rehearsals (you may miss 2, and still perform), and a willingness to work hard and rehearse at home several times a week. Please complete a membership application at the "Join Us" link below..

For our current members, welcome back.


Interested parties should email our Membership Chair:


Membership: Valrie Horton



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Do you have a talent for singing that you want to share with others?
We'd love to have you!

President:  Kathy Blackwell
Vice-President: Kim Geer
Secretary: Tracy Shaw
Treasurer: Adam Burkett
Scholarship Chair: Vacant
Membership: Valrie Horton
Social Chair: Suzanne Prince

At-Large Member: Shar Rifkin and Christopher Craig

Past President:  Irene Voneiff


Music Leadership

Director: Jennifer Mueske

Collaborative Pianist: Sheryl Tjon


Section Leaders

Soprano - Natalie Childress

Alto - Debi Hawkins

Tenor - Tracy Morris

Bass/Baritone - Dennis Haugen


Public Relations/Publicity

Kim Geer, Terah Hoobler, Natalie Childress, Kathy Blackwell


Social Media

Natalie Childress


Stage Decorations

Suzanne Prince


Sunshine Fund

Gloria Shirley

Wilmington Choral Society 

Jennifer "Jenn" Mueske, Director

Sheryl Tjon, Collaborative Pianist



​Crystal Anderson

Gloria Ahlberg

Emery Best

Susan Best

Kathy Blackwell

Kathy Brennan

Judy Brockelman

Natalie Childress

Jean Collier

Rosemary Cook

Candy Corley

Nancy Cowen

Claire Currie

Laura Dinehart

Karen Henderson

Erica Hennessy

Alice Long

Brittany MacVittie

Michaline "Mikki" Manno

Denise  Miller

Helen  Raytek

Shar Rifkin

Gloria Shirley

Georgia Sill

Diane Sullivan

Pat Valea

Patricia Van Schaick

Irene Voneiff

Anne Wall

Anne Marie Wiedemer



Laure Adams

Allyson Allen (Hunt)

Carol Batson

Joan Beachum

Sara Day

Heather Dinwiddie

Gillian Edens

Kay Evans

Carol Fordon

Meryl Franck

Gwen  Frankel

Janet Garrison

Robbin Gohl

Georgie Harrison

Debi Hawkins

Linda Hollis

Maggie Hoobler

Terah Hoobler

Valrie Horton

Lucy Johnson

Gwen Justice

Stephanie Kent

Margaret Lutkoski

Cathy Meekins

Tena Perry

Donna Philips

Suzanne Prince

Kathy Ripley

Jennifer Scott

Wendy Selck

Tracy Shaw

Theresa Tripp

Julie Tyslan



Andre Brillaud

Christine Bouffard

Christopher Craig

BethAnne Curtis

Jack Deckard

Thomas Finch

Bill Gohl

Louise Griswold

Maggie Hoobler

Robert Katulak

Kim Leggett-Geer

Ron McMillan

Johnny Midgett

Tracy Morris

Steve Nunn

Michael Parish

Steve Risley

Isaac Smallwood




Adam  Burkett

Fred Campau

Curtis Campbell

Bill Corley

Rickman Davis

Jake Flynn

Gene Funderburk

Steve Geiger

Dennis Haugen

Lucian (Skip) Jones

Will Jones

Bill Rotella

Daniell Tincher

Tom Waltz

Steve Yandle

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Choral Donation
Help the chorale continue its mission to bring great choral music to the Wlmington community!
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Scholarship Donation
This scholarship goes to a high school senior who expects to continue their vocal experience in college or university. You can help!
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